Eccoci già giunti alla fine di un'altra settimana! Ma come passano veloci i giorni?!
Manca ormai poco per immergerci totalmente nell'atmosfera natalizia!!!!
Avevo in frigo degli albumi avanzati da una ricetta precedente, così ho pensato di preparare questi sofficissimi muffin arricchendoli con della buona marmellata!
- 180 g di albumi (circa 5 albumi)
- 85 g di farina;
- 100 g di zucchero;
- 1/2 cucchiaino di lievito per dolci;
- 1/2 bacca di vaniglia;
- un pizzico di sale;
In una ciotola iniziate a montare gli albumi con un pizzico di sale.
Dopo un po' aggiungete 50 g di zucchero e continuate a montare.
In un'altra ciotola mescolate la farina setacciata, il lievito, lo zucchero rimasto e i semi di vaniglia.
Aggiungete lentamente gli ingredienti secchi agli albumi montati a neve stando attenti a non smontarli.
Versate il composto negli stampi da muffin e infornate a 160 °C per circa 20 minuti.
Una volta cotti, sfornateli e lasciateli raffreddare su una gratella.
Quando sono freddi con l'aiuto di un coltello create un buco al centro di ogni muffin.
Decorate con dello zucchero a velo e riempite il buco di ogni muffin con un cucchiaino di marmellata.
Ciao Laura!
RispondiEliminaWow! Ecco un'ottima idea per quando si preparano delle torte e avanzano gli albumi!
Spesso mi tocca buttarli via perchè non so cosa farci, ma è un peccato, soprattutto dopo aver visto questa ricetta :-)
ma che belli, sembrano soffici soffici, bella idea!! Grazie Laura!! Un bacioneee
RispondiEliminaEh si.. il Natale si avicina pian pianino.. Buonissimi questi muffin.. sofficissimi con soli albumi. baci e buon w.e. .-*
RispondiEliminaadoro!!! sono stupendi!!!
RispondiEliminaMa dai! Io ogni volta li butto perché non so come riciclarli .. che spreco.
RispondiEliminaGrazie per l'idea.Ciao.
Un ottima ricetta del riciclo. Li immagino molto soffici e anche golosi !
RispondiEliminachissa' che buoni, oggi ho deciso, vengo a merenda da te!!!!Baci Sabry
RispondiEliminaChe delizia cara mia!!!!
RispondiEliminaUn abbraccio grande
Le ricette x smaltire gli albumi sono sempre utilissime, soprattutto sotto le feste :-P
RispondiEliminaComplimenti, questi muffins sono da copiare ^_*
Buon we Lauretta <3<3<3
Grazie per averci regalato questi muffins deliziosi e buonissima l’idea per il riciclo degli albumi!!!
RispondiEliminaBuona serata
Soffici come nuvolette questi muffins, ottima idea per usale gli albumi!
RispondiEliminaWow bellissimi e super golosi :D Chissà poi che sofficità!
RispondiEliminaBelli, golosi, un ottimo modo di riciclare gli albumi :)
RispondiEliminaVirtualmente te ne rubo uno...
Un bacio
Ciao Laura, che bontà, devono essere soffici! Ho degli albumi in frigo, mi hai dato un'ottima idea per consumarli! Un abbraccio e buona domenica!
RispondiEliminaLook delizioso !
Luretta, mi immagino la sofficità di questi muffins! :D
RispondiEliminaQuella "medaglietta" di marmellata poi li rende preziosi! E terminiamo la settimana in modo goloso e leggero (vedo infatti che non ci sono grassi!!!)! :)
Da addentare subito senza pensarci un attimo....stupendi!
RispondiEliminaBacio goloso!
Devono essere soffici e golosi, mi piacciono i dolci con gli albumi, brava Laura!!!
RispondiEliminaUn bacione
They are commonly employed in educational institutions as part of the physical education curriculum, in medicine as part of diagnostic testing, and as eligibility requirements in fields that focus on physical ability such as military or police. A physical fitness test is a test designed to measure physical strength, agility, and endurance. A regular fitness test is great to ensure you are getting the best results out of your training.
RispondiEliminaFitness level eating regularly means eating just right so that our body will function all right. Fitness level also means following the daily recommended dietary allowance that is suggested by the health professionals. Fitness level regular exercise should be done because of its benefits. Fitness level regular checkups are also suggested to prevent diseases from taking over our bodies. Vices and other harmful substances are to be avoided in order to keep the bodies’ health.
RispondiEliminaPhysical fitness test muscular living is the knowledge of the muscles to action constant without fatiguing. Physical fitness test near up effort is most often utilised to effort muscular strength. Examples would be the bench press, leg press or bicep curl.
RispondiEliminaWe should always take care of our body. Fitness level is basically the core of our well being. Fitness level our body is the one that makes us capable of the things that we are capable of doing. Fitness level to improve our fitness means that we should improve the way we treat our bodies.
RispondiEliminaYou must have heard about home health care services, but many people don’t know how it works and what are its benefits. If you have an elderly family member who requires regular monitoring, health care and personal care support, it is time you consider getting senior home care services. Here are some of the main reasons you cannot ignore such in-home services for your loved one.
RispondiEliminaPhysical fitness test muscular capableness is the turn of force a muscle crapper produce. Physical fitness test cooper Run is utilised most often to effort cardiovascular endurance.
RispondiEliminaWith at home health care services, one can be spared of the emotional stress build-up at having to move to a new place or get accustomed to a new routine. For the terminally ill and elderly, a routine pattern boosts their psychological well-being.
RispondiEliminaThe third reason for choosing senior home care services is that in-home care is much more cost-effective compared to out-of-home care services. You will be able to provide special personal and health care to your loved one from the comfort of their home without the need to pay off huge bills. If you choose an alternative out-of-home solution, the bills could eat up both your loved one’s and your own savings. However, in-home elderly care services could be hired for just a tiny fraction of the overall cost of the alternatives. It can help you and your family a fortune in terms of different kinds of bills.
RispondiEliminaMedical or Clinical assistants refers to health care providers who serve the purpose of assisting other health care practitioners in various clinical and administrative jobs. The tasks of medical assistants mainly consist of interacting and working with doctors and patients, and gaining expertise in various aspects of health care services.
RispondiEliminaApart for the above mentioned tasks, medical assistants are also responsible for helping health care practitioners with changing dressings and removing stitches. It is also the task of clinical assistants to answer the queries of patients and regulate their diet and prescriptions.
The second reason for getting home health care services is that the care you receive is personalised according to the needs of the person. If you visit a nursing home or a hospital, the level of care and support provided is the same for everyone. However, the care provided in your home will be customised based on the needs of your family member. You will be able to provide personalised care to your loved from a professional who is dedicated solely to fulfill the needs of your family member.
RispondiEliminaOne such offering is the Pre Health program, which helps students to gain access to a range of options within the School of Community and Health Studies. This School is committed to delivering innovative teaching through state-of-the-art laboratories where students receive hands-on experience in a stimulated environment. As such, students watch theory come with the guidance of industry-experienced instructors.
RispondiEliminaHi3 BI solutions provide cost-effective ways to provide organization-wide access to information using familiar tools that are flexible enough to meet a diversity of needs across a wide range of users. By utilizing many of the existing tools you have in place today, Hi3 BI can reduce the incremental costs of new solutions and speed up delivery time. Users at all levels can create reports, perform analysis and store information and communications. Staff resources are freed up to work on other critical infrastructure needs.
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